Thursday, September 5, 2013

Fantastic kickoff

It has only been the first day of school, and I have already accomplished a few things that many normal people might not have accomplished:
1. lost my newly bought 160 bucks calculator
2. forgot to bring my mattress pad for my dorm
3. switched schedules 4 times
4. created inner resentment with half the people in my grade, just the occasional bug
5. spoke until my face got red hot and choked up in front of a teacher

So hopefully, this won't go on for the rest of the school year because there is no way I can survive with this kind of luck.
There's 15 more minutes till study hall is over. I have finished most of my homework (mostly reading), but I am still figuring out whether I should buy another one... I actually don't have an option. I actually ordered a used one which is 30 bucks cheaper but decided it was too risky and cancelled in the end.

This is just like the electric pencil sharpener situation all over again.

Just my luck -Sharon

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