Monday, October 17, 2011

Blurry mornings

photo taken by Me

ATTACK! Invaded by spacegerms. 
I was on bed rest for the whole day today. It sucked.

Believe it or not, I was actually really looking forward into going to school today, not only because there is no Chinese. But also my friends, who left for boarding school, were visiting the school today. But I couldn't be there to show them around the new campus and all that.

If it were just for the sniffles, I would have definitely been in school today. But no, the spacegerms had to attack my brain and give me a massive headache. Stupid spacegerms.

The worse thing I hate about being on bedrest is that I don't get to do anything. But lay there. By the end of the day, the guilt inside me starts eating me up, bit by bit.
Here's a little something you don't know about me:
Every night, after I count my blessings and pray, I'd like to think about what productive things I have done as a conclusion to the day. The less productive things I have done that day, the longer it takes me to sleep.
Well, let's just say I won't be able to sleep tonight.

Spacegerms ALSO ruined my apetite:
AriZona Iced Tea x1 Can
Honey Pear Tea x4 Cups
Water xCountless Cups
Tuna sandwich x2
Noodles x1 spoon


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